

First name: Last name: Gender: Birthday:

Phone Number: Email Address:

Address: City: State: Zip:

Emergency Contact Name:

Relationship to you: Phone # H: Cell:

Have you ever worked at Riverview? Yes No When?

Please upload a current photograph for your employee file. (Photos are private and will not be shared with anyone outside of Riverview Employees)


Please print out and send this form to one (1) reference, to be returned within two weeks. This must be a pastor or spiritual leader, another must be a teacher or other mentor. Please also include contact information for the person you send the reference sheets to below.

1)Pastor/Spiritual leader:

Phone number: Email address:

Address: City: State: Zip:

Please answer the following questions:

What date are you available to start?

Are you willing to work late into the night if necessary?

Are you willing to work more than forty (40) hours a week if necessary?

Please describe how Jesus Christ became personal to you.

What do you think is your biggest strength?

Your biggest weakness?

What does "hard work" mean to you?

Do you read consistently? What was the last book you read?

Do you have any special skills which would be useful to camp ministry? (i.e. Belaying, lifeguarding, paintball, archery, etc)

Is there anything else you would like us to know as we consider your application?